Welcome letter Master’s Programme in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability – Autumn-24
Congratulations on your admission!
Welcome to the Master's Programme in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability
at Blekinge Institute of Technology!
As awareness of the sustainability challenge grows, we are under no illusion of the enormity of its influence on our future. We believe that society needs both a clear, scientifically-based understanding of sustainability and committed, energized leadership. You will find that the title of the programme – Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability – speaks directly to these needs.
The programme is now entering its 21st year. It was co-founded by Dr. Göran Broman (Professor at BTH) and Dr. Karl-Henrik Robèrt (Professor at BTH, Blue Planet Award laureate and Founder of The Natural Step) and is an invitation to early- to mid-career professionals from around the world to share experiences and build understanding and ability to act as change agents. The diversity of the class, your expertise and global perspectives are what give it life. Much of the learning will, in fact, come from your peers.
Below you will find additional information about planning to study in Sweden. Please make sure to check out our websites (www.bth.se/msls and http://www.msls.se/) for what to expect from the upcoming academic year and information about your future colleagues. Over the coming months we will update them with information relevant to the incoming class.
The MSLS programme runs a mandatory orientation week that begins on 26 August, 2024, and a closing week from the 9 June, 2025. We also highly recommend planning to arrive even earlier in August. If you cannot arrive before the programme starts, you must notify the programme manager, Merlina Missimer.
Please note, to keep your place on the programme, you must fulfil the steps in the section below: “Procedure to join the programme”.
Dear sustainability colleague, we hope and look forward to welcoming you to the MSLS programme and Karlskrona in August 2024!

Procedure to join the programme
You must fulfil these steps to keep your place on the programme.
- Tuition fee (deadline 15 May)
If applicable to you, visit the tuition fee page for information.
- Apply for a residence permit (as soon as possible)
Visit the Migration agency home page for more information, if you will take a Campus programme.
- Activate student account (from 21 March)
You will recieve an email with instructions, read more on Student Portal – Get started.
- Register for the courses (from 26 July)
You must register on-line for the courses to keep your place on the programme. Instructions are on Student portal – Get started.
- Programme start
If you cannot participate in the programme introduction, report this by email to the programme manager.
Preparing for your studies at BTH
To make your journey to Karlskrona as comfortable as possible, we offer the following advice.
- Review www.bth.se/msls and www.msls.se for what to expect from the year. As the programme is offered full-time, you should expect a work-load comparable to that of a standard 40-hour work week. Please see our website for more information on course content, the MSLS alumni, and tips from the current class for how to make the most out of your upcoming year! Also, a LinkedIn group has been set up for your incoming class by current students, so that you may get to know each other and ask questions. You can find the group at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8195672/ .
- Apply for your visa as soon as possible. If you require a visa to study in Sweden, you should apply for it immediately. Be aware that the Swedish migration office, along with many other services in Sweden, will be closed or offering reduced services during the summer holiday period (June-August).
- Plan your upcoming trip. If you do not have accommodation organised before you arrive we recommend that you arrive one to two weeks before orientation week to organize this. The week will be an opportunity to begin getting to know your colleagues and prepare for classes as well as a time where we run workshops which lay the foundation for the rest of the year. Please organize your travel, so that you can participate in this first week. Scheduled classes will begin on 2 September 2024 and run until mid-June 2025, ending with a graduation ceremony typically within a week of end of the semester. Additionally, in past years, students have found the need or the desire to stay in Sweden for some weeks after the programme concludes for extended study or travel purposes. We therefore recommend that you request a 12-month visa, if possible.
- Review the Arrival Guide on our website. As you look forward to August, you will no doubt have many things to consider in your preparations. An Arrival Guide prepared by the past classes and tailored to the MSLS class can be found at the website http://wearemsls.weebly.com/. Please also check BTH’s website International student guide for a practical guide on arriving and getting settled in Karlskrona.
- Additional Costs. You are required to purchase the Sustainability Handbook which is the textbook we will be using throughout the programme. Please order it as soon as possible. You can find it online on Amazon (paperback only), on Bokus.com or Studentlitteratur.se (paperback and e-book format). If you decide to buy it via Bokus.com here is a manual for how to purchase it as the website is only available in Swedish. All the other required readings will be available on Canvas.
In past years we have also undertaken a field trip as a class. The fieldtrip usually requires about 2000 SEK.
Programme and courses
Courses during the initial semester:
Innovation for Sustainability , 5 hp Period: 2024-November-04 until 2024-December-08 Kurskod: SL2540
Strategic Planning for Sustainability , 7,5 hp Period: 2024-November-04 until 2025-February-23 Kurskod: SL2550
Research Methodology for Sustainability , 5 hp Period: 2024-November-04 until 2025-June-08 Kurskod: SL2537
Strategic Sustainable Development , 12,5 hp Period: 2024-September-02 until 2024-November-03 Kurskod: SL2533
Leading in Complexity , 10 hp Period: 2024-September-02 until 2025-June-08 Kurskod: SL2534
Equipment and digital tools
BTH requires students to use their own computers for studies. Your programme might have specific hardware or software requirements, make sure to check here if your program is listed and find out what you need. Additionally, for any online education, ensure you have a camera, a headset with a microphone, and an internet connection.
All programs and courses use the online learning management system Canvas. Once you activate your student account and register for a course, you can access your Canvas course page. You can find more information about Canvas, Zoom, and other digital tools you have access to here.
Further questions?
If you still have questions after reading this welcome letter and visiting
International student guide, please contact studentreception@bth.se.