Meet our students

Student Experiences

Are you curious about BTH’s Master’s programmes, the culture, or student life at BTH? Take the opportunity to find out more about your desired master’s degree and student life from our current and former master’s students. They share their experiences and hope to be able to help you with some insights into the Master’s programmes and life in Karlskrona.


Master's Programme in Telecommunication Systems

Profilbild internationell alumni Sushma Swaraj Chilupuri“I completed my Master’s degree in Telecommunication Systems in 2022 and began working as a software developer at Ericsson, Stockholm, one of Sweden’s leading telecommunications companies. I am grateful for how the university combined courses that matched today’s industry and research at every point of the programme – my programme allowed me to explore software engineering and computer science fields in addition to telecommunications. The skills I gained during the programme enhanced my profession and demonstrated how to acquire additional knowledge to keep up with the industry.”

Sushma, from India


Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering

“I completed the Master’s programme in Mechanical Engineering, specialising in structural mechanics in 2020. I applied for the programme because of my interest in mechanics and because I wanted to do my master’s abroad. I shortlisted the programmes that interested me and based on the situation I was in at the time and my interests, I decided to apply for the programme in Karlskrona, Sweden. During the programme, we worked a lot with industries and the programme was strategically designed based on societal needs as well as what industries are looking for and gave us all the necessary tools for this. I also enjoyed my student life because we got the chance to engage with other students and join student associations. I encourage all new students to check out the student union which helped me with a lot, for instance with my visa application and other practical information. Being a student in Sweden was very different compared to what I was used to, not only the weather and culture, but I also found it to be very beautiful. If you are interested in becoming a student at BTH, my tip for you is to attend all classes and take the opportunity to learn as much as you can. Also, aim to finish your assignments in time and make sure that the work you hand in is your own, to avoid plagiarism.”

Sharlin, from Bangladesh

Master's Programme in Software Engineering

“I did my bachelor’s in computer science and engineering in Hyderabad in India and when I started working, I felt that my skills did not match what the industry was expecting and that something was missing. This is when Software Engineering caught my eye and I applied for the Master’s programme in Software Engineering here at BTH. I have always liked computer science and I was very much into gaming growing up and was therefore very used to computers. When I started my education at BTH, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but now I’m very satisfied with how it went. After graduation, I joined Ericsson and I have a lot to thank BTH for, I credit a lot of my success to BTH because it influenced my critical thinking which is essential. Thanks to BTH’s strong connection to research, you are able to be up to date with the most recent trends within your field. Because research is also such a reoccurring theme in all the assignments, it helps you develop a critical mindset needed in the field of Software Engineering. Another large part of BTH’s education is teamwork and the skill to work and communicate with others, which is helpful for your future career. It also helps you work with people from different parts of the world, who are from different cultures than yourself. My tip for future students is that success is not guaranteed, but if you put in the effort needed and contribute towards the end goal, nothing is impossible. I, therefore, recommend you all go out of your comfort zone and try as many projects as you can during your time as a student. But also to learn Swedish if you want to stay and work in Sweden after your graduation.”

Sai Pranav, from India