

All students at BTH are insured through a personal injury insurance when you are at the Universities premises and when travelling to and from BTH. You are insured if you are on an internship or at a workplace approved by the University. However, it is crucial to make sure that you have additional medical insurance coverage in case of an emergency or if you fall ill during an off-campus activity. Read more on Kammarkollegiets website.

Recommended insurance coverage

The regulations regarding health insurance differ depending on which country you are from, for how long you are studying in Sweden and if you are admitted to campus or on-line studies.

We recommend all international students to complete the insurance cover with an additional Personal injury insurance which will cover the time that you are not spending at the Universities premises, in order to avoid unexpected costs in case of an incident or illness. A complete insurance should include:

• personal injury (outside school hours)
• medical care cover
• dental care cover
• liability cover (in the event that you are subject to a claim for damages)
• legal expenses cover (if you need to make a claim for damages)
• home transport (in case of serious injury)
• private property cover (luggage, mobile phone, laptop, etc.)

Fee-paying students

(i.e. a tuition fee-paying student or a student holding a BTH scholarship)

If you are a tuition fee paying student admitted to a BTH master’s or bachelor’s programme or courses or a student holding a BTH Scholarship, BTH provides you with a comprehensive health insurance called FAS, Insurance for Fee-Paying Students (FAS).

When you are a students admitted to two-year programmes you will be able to register at the Tax Office and be entitled to the healthcare system and pay Swedish patient fees. Therefore, you are considered to have a comprehensive healthcare insurance policy. Once you have arrived and registered at the programme, you should register at the Tax Office and apply for a Swedish Personal Identity Number.

SI-scholarship holders

Students holding a Swedish Institute scholarship are covered by an insurance for foreign visitors, provided by Kammarkollegiet. More information is provided by SI.

Changed fee status and prolonged studies

If your fee status changes during your studies, you will not be covered by FAS and are strongly recommended to find out if you need to purchase additional insurance coverage for your remaining stay in Sweden.

For students who have not completed their studies within stipulated time frame, the request of continued insurance coverage through BTH is assessed on a case-by-case basis. The main rule is to have a valid registration in Ladok for students for the requested period.

Nordic and EU/EEA – Erasmus and degree programs

Students from EU/EEA/Swiss/Nordic countries should bring the European Health Insurance Card, European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The European Health Insurance Card is a free card that gives you the right to medical treatment equal to Swedish citizens. If you do not bring this card, you risk having to cover all eventual costs. For more details, please consult with the social insurance office in your home country.

Make sure to get your card in due time before your stay in Sweden and bring the card when you seek medical care.

Exchange students

Exchange students at BTH are covered by Student-IN, the Swedish State’s insurance for exchange students in Sweden, provided by Kammarkollegiet.
More information on Kammarkollegiets website.


If you are a free mover and not covered by any insurance mentioned above, please contact

If you are studying within an agreement and not covered by any insurance mentioned above, please contact International Office.