International Student Guide

International Student Guide

In this International student guide, we have gathered all the important information you need as well as useful tips that will help you during your application, admissions and arrival to BTH.  We also post invitations to our upcoming webinars that are being held during the spring. 

Ready to apply? The application process will vary depending on what type of student you are. Therefore, we have created three paths further down this page. By clicking the one that applies to you, you will be directed to the correct place.

Have you already been admitted to BTH? Please visit our page Newly Admitted to learn more about what you must do next, such as course registration, arrival checklist, etc.


To ensure that you, as a newly admitted student, receive all the important information you need to become a student at BTH, we invite you to join our preparational webinars. Every webinar will have a different theme, and we will discuss the following topics during the spring: Tuition fees, scholarships, accommodation, and you will also have the opportunity to talk to your programme managers and network with your future classmates. Information about the upcoming webinars will always be presented here:

Meet your programme manager webinar 

During the webinar, you will meet your programme managers who are there to answer your questions.

Date: 19 June

Time: 13:00-14:00 (CEST)

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 501 238 1584


Video series

Watch the Swedish Insititute video series focusing on Swedish residence permits for studies. The videos will guide you through every step of the process to get your residence permit in Sweden, focusing on topics such as financials, health insurance, how to apply and what to do after your studies.

You can find the video series here.


Digital fairs

Seize the opportunity to chat and learn more about us during the Swedish Institute Study in Sweden digital fairs in autumn 2024. We will be present at the following digital fairs:

  • MENA/Africa, 29 August, 15:00–19:00 (CEST)
  • Europe, 25 September, 15:00–19:00 (CEST)
  • America, 26 October, 18:00–22:00 (CEST)
  • Asia, 20 November, 10:00–14:00 (CET)




Do I need to pay a tuition fee if I want to study at BTH?

This depends on where you are from.

Applicants from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland:
Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) does not charge any tuition fees for students with citizenship within the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Information for British citizens regarding Brexit can be found on

Applicants from countries outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland
Students with citizenship in a country outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland are required to pay both application and tuition fees. To find out if you are required to pay tuition fees, please read the information on

Read more about tuition fees, how to pay, deadlines and similar here. 


Do I need to apply for Visa and Residence permit?

Students from EU/EEA countries
As an EU citizen, you do not need a residence permit. You will need a valid passport or an identity card proving your citizenship when entering Sweden.

Students from countries outside the EU/EEA
In general, all students from non-EU/EEA countries have to apply for a residence permit if they plan to study in Sweden for a period longer than three months. Please keep in mind that the process for a residence permit for studies takes time. We advise you to start the application process as soon as you receive your admission letter from us.

Read more here. 

What steps must I take before I apply for a Visa and Residence permit?

Students who are required to pay tuition fees will have to pay for their first semester of studies before a residence permit for studies can be issued. Students do not need to send a certificate to the Swedish Migration Agency that the tuition fee has been paid as it is sent electronically from BTH.

Students need to submit an admission letter to verify that they have been admitted to full-time studies. Use the admission letter (notification of selection results) which can be printed from the account at BTH does not issue any other admission notice/letter.

Students admitted to a course/programme of one year or less, need to confirm that they have a comprehensive health insurance to obtain a residence permit. The admission letter (notification of selection results) confirms that the student is covered by a health insurance from the university. If the student applies through the Migration Agency web application, they can attach the admission letter as proof of health insurance.

Students will also need to show that they can support themselves during their studies.

You will find all the necessary information about how to apply for a residence on Swedish Migration Agency.

What do I need to do after being admitted?

When you are admitted to one of BTH’s programmes, you must go through a number of steps in order to keep your place. Please note that all the steps below have different deadlines that differ depending on whether you have been admitted to a programme starting in the spring or autumn. Please read your welcome letter to find out what the deadline dates are.

1. Pay the tuition fee 

Non-EU/EEA students are required to pay tuition fees. Visit the tuition fee page for more information. If BTH does not receive the payment by the deadline, you will lose your place on the programme.

2. Apply for a residence permit 

Non-EU/EEA students admitted to on-campus programmes must apply for a residence permit to study in Sweden. The tuition fee must be paid before submitting the residence permit application. Visit the Migration Agency for more information.  

3. Activate your student account 

You will be able to activate your student account as soon as you have received an e-mail from BTH with information about how to activate your student account. Find more information on Student Portal – Get started. If you have not received an e-mail regarding your student account one week before the registration period closes, please contact the IT Helpdesk. 

4. Register for the courses 

You must register for the courses to keep your place on the programme. Instructions can be found on the Student portal – Get started. You can find the registration periods here. If you cannot carry out the registration yourself, contact 

5. Join the Programme introduction

If you cannot participate in the programme introduction, report this by email to the programme manager. 

How do I find an accommodation?

BTH has no student accommodations and cannot make reservations for students. To find accommodation, you have to make an online application or contact the housing companies or private landlords available in Blekinge. On Karlskrona municipality’s website, you can find a list of all property owners and landlords.

We recommend that you start looking for accommodation as soon as possible. If you have not applied for housing before your arrival, you may have to stay a considerable time in a hostel before you can get a student room which can be very expensive.

When you apply for an apartment, remember to check:

  • How much to pay in rent
  • What is included in the rent (internet, electricity, etc.)
  • If you are allowed to live together with friends or not
  • If the apartment is furnished or not

Remember to read the contract carefully before signing.

If you need more support:

The Student Union also invite you to join their Facebook group Student Accommodation in Karlskrona”, where you can find accommodation possibilities.

What is expected of me when renting accommodation in Sweden?

Pay the rent on time and keep the accommodation clean.

Usually, the landlord expects the accommodation to be quiet after 10 pm on workdays and 11 pm on weekends. If it’s not stated in the contract, please contact the landlord and clarify what times are stated.

Are there any scholarships available?

Yes, there are a number of scholarships available. For instance, a BTH scholarship programme for prospective students and a BTH scholarship programme for current students. There are also scholarships administered by the Swedish Institute.

Visit our scholarship page for more information on available scholarships, key dates, how to apply, etc. 

What is the cost of living in Sweden?

Like everywhere, living costs in Sweden depend on your personal lifestyle and where you live. An estimate of what your monthly budget could look like while studying in Sweden:

  • Food: 2500 SEK
  • Accommodation: 4500 SEK
  • Local travels: 550 SEK
  • Telephone/Internet: 400 SEK
  • Miscellaneous: 1500 SEK

Total: 9450 SEK

For information about the cost of living in Sweden, visit Study in Sweden at

How do I apply for a Swedish personal identity number?

If you are planning to study in Sweden for 12 months or more, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency and be registered in the Swedish Population Register. Please note that you should register at the Tax Agency as soon as possible after the starting date of your residence permit. Students planning on studying for less than 12 months will not be able to apply for a Swedish personal identity number. Please read about the Coordination number below if this applies to you.

To get your Swedish personal identity number, you must fill in an application form and visit a Swedish state service centre. You must fill in the form before your visit and in order for the staff to help you, you must book an appointment before visiting the service centre. During your visit, you must be able to show the completed application form printed on paper.

Find the application form here.

Book your appointment here. 

You must bring your passport and letter of admission and you must have an address in Sweden before you apply. The national registration gives you access to health care in Sweden at the same cost as Swedish citizens.

When you are finished with the process and have been listed in the register, you will be given a Swedish personal identity number and be able to apply for a Swedish ID card.

The Swedish Tax Agency offer online webinars about moving to Sweden. Visit their website for more information. 

Please note that the waiting time is longer than usual, between 4-18 weeks or longer, so make sure to do it at your earliest convenience.

Don’t forget to notify the agency before your departure when you have finished your studies and it’s time to leave Sweden.

Do I need to apply for a coordination number?

If you will be studying in Sweden for less than 12 months and have never been listed in the Swedish Population Register, you may be eligible for a coordination number (samordningsnummer).

A coordination number is needed if you for instance have plans to work during your time in Sweden or if you want to open a Swedish bank account. Please note that some banks will only accept personal identity numbers issued to students who are here for longer than 12 months.

To apply for a coordination number, you must visit a Swedish state service centre in person and provide proof of your identity. You must also fill in the form “Coordination number – individual application” (SKV 7540). You can either fill in this form before your visit or while you are there.

For more information, visit the Swedish Tax Agency’s website.

Do I need to get a insurance?

All students at BTH are insured through a personal injury insurance when you are at the Universities premises and when travelling to and from BTH. You are insured if you are on an internship or at a workplace approved by the University. However, it is crucial to make sure that you have additional medical insurance coverage in case of an emergency or if you fall ill during an off-campus activity. Read more on Kammarkollegiets website.

Visit the Insurance page on our website to get more information regarding what type of insurance you need.

Do you have meal plans?

No, we do not have meal plans at BTH. Students can choose to cook for themselves or visit the on-campus cafeteria or restaurant whenever they like and pay individually for each meal. There are microwaves and fridges located on campus that you can use if you want to bring pre-cooked food. Read more about our different dining options here and here.



What important documents must I bring to Sweden?

  • European insurance card (for European students)
  • Your VISA/Master card or Travel card
  • Your original academic documents (diploma and transcripts) if required (for example if you are conditionally admitted)

How do I open a bank account in Sweden?

Only students with a Swedish personal identity number (see guide further up in this FAQ) are able to open a Swedish bank account. The Student Union can provide more information on how to open a bank account. You can also contact them at if you run into problems, but we recommend that you read closely on the website first. More contact information and opening hours may be found on the Student Union website.

Students staying at BTH for less than 12 months will not have the possibility to open a Swedish bank account. These students must have a VISA/Mastercard/Travel Card from their home countries and/or have the possibility to use internet transaction services through their home bank accounts in order to make payments in Sweden. It is also possible to send and receive a money order through the Western Union Bank offices. We strongly recommend that you make all necessary bank arrangements from your home bank before you move to Sweden.

Keep in mind the transaction and conversion fees added in frequent international transactions. Students in this situation may be required to handle their expenses in cash. However, card payment is much more common in Sweden, and not all businesses accept cash payments. The Forex office allows international customers to open a limited savings account. They also provide a service for the payment of bills using cash but take an administrative fee for doing so.

Would you recommend getting a job while studying at BTH?

We understand why students might want or need to get a job while staying in Sweden. However, it is not something that we recommend because full-time studies in Sweden correspond approximately to a 40-hour week. When you are not expected to be on campus for lectures, seminars or other meetings, you are expected to spend your time working on assignments, group projects, etc.

What are the career possibilities after studies?

Many of our alumni are currently working in successful industries such as Ericsson, Volvo and SAAB. At BTH, we aim to work closely with industries to provide you as a student with the best possibilities for the future. You can read student testimonials here.

There are also possibilities to continue within academia and apply for a PhD after graduation. You can read more about this and watch our PhD interviews here.

What can I do to improve my possibilities to be successful in the Swedish labour market?

There are many possibilities for you if you want to stay and work in Sweden after graduation. There is currently a lack of competent engineers and IT professionals in Sweden, so you are much needed!

To improve your chances of getting a job after graduation, we recommend that you start preparing for the future as soon as you begin your studies here at BTH. For instance, you should focus on being committed, attending all lectures even when it is not mandatory, and taking every chance to network with industries. Throughout the year, BTH invites industries to campus to help the students meet and connect with potential future employers.

Other things that we recommend that you focus on are time management and having good routines. Further, we recommend that you start thinking about different thesis subjects during your first semester as this might be your gateway into professional life. Many industries look for students who are interested in writing their thesis together with them. Visit industries websites that are relevant to you, such as Volvo and Ericsson, and look for thesis openings. Why not take the chance to ask the industry representatives about this when they come to campus? Keep an eye out for these events to improve your chances and don’t forget to network.

Where can I learn more about BTH’s Academic calendar?

In Sweden, there are two terms each year. The first term, referred to as the Autumn term, begins in August or September and lasts until early January.

There is no official Christmas break. However, there will be no classes during the Christmas week. Please note that you still may be expected to work, for example with written assignments.

The second term is called the Spring term and begins in mid-January and lasts until early June. Followed by the second term is the summer break which lasts until the next Autumn term begins.

Each term is divided into two study periods. The exact dates can be found here. 

Are there any student support functions available at BTH?

We have a number of support functions where the staff will support you during your studies. If you feel ill or have trouble keeping up with your studies and need a little extra study support, you are welcome to contact:

What grading system is used?

At BTH, one of the following scales is to be employed: G, Ux, U (G = Pass, Ux = Insufficient, supplementation required, U = Fail) or A, B, C, D, E, FX, F (A = Excellent, B = Very good, C = Good, D = Satisfactory, E = Sufficient, FX = Insufficient, supplementation required, F = Fail).

What do credits mean?

Sweden has a system of credits (in Swedish: högskolepoäng) used for academic studies. A normal 40-week academic year corresponds to 60 credits. The system is compatible with ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System).


What type of student are you?

There are steps you must take that differ depending on what type of student you are, such as if you are required to pay tuition fees, if you need to apply for a visa and residence permit and how you complete your application programmes or courses application. We have therefore prepared tailored information to make the process easier.

Questions? Contact us!