Reading and Writing Support

Reading and Writing Support

  • You may be entitled to support measures during your studies at BTH, such as extended exam time or note-taking assistance.
  • If you have a reading disability, you have the right to borrow talking books from MTM (the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media).



If you have a disability/diagnosis, you may be entitled to support . Contact Coordinator Lena Wikström at for more information.

More information about studying at BTH with a disability – länk till:

Digitize texts for speech synthesis

With OCR scanning, you can make a text on paper readable with speech synthesis. The OCR scanning function is available on all multifunction printers at BTH. For more extensive digitization of texts, please contact the library or BTH Coordinator Lena Wikström.



Talking books

At the BTH library, you can get help borrowing adapted course literature. You can borrow your course literature as a talking book, e-textbook, braille book, or enlarged text. Book a time to find out more about talking books. You will receive help searching for and downloading the talking books you need for your studies. In Legimus, you can search for and download talking books and find more information on how to download and read talking books.


Legimus is MTM’s digital library, which contains talking books, e-text, and braille books. Please note that the Legimus site is in Swedish.

Legimus (homepage)

Video about talking books and Legimus (in Swedish, 2:04 min.)

Legimus – Who can get an account? (Swedish)

Using Legimus (Swedish)

Ordering New Course Literature

Contact us if you want to order course literature that is not available in Legimus. Please note that you should check in advance if the course literature for your next course is available in Legimus, as producing new talking books takes quite a long time.

The Academic Skills Centre

The Academic Skills Centre can support you when you need help writing texts. You will receive personal feedback on what you have written and tips on how to think about structure, style, and language.


Contact for questions about talking books

Anette Pettersson (Campus Karlskrona)
Phone : 0455-38 51 19

Maryam Shabanzad

Maryam Shabanzad (Campus Karlshamn)
Phone : 0455-38 51 07