Leadership In Complexity

Core Theme 2: Leadership In Complexity

Having a framework to develop effective, strategic approaches towards sustainability is critical. But this alone is not enough to produce results. In order to create and implement these strategic approaches with others (in the “real world”), a particular set of leadership skills and capacities is also needed.

  • How do you lead amidst the complexity of a rapidly changing world, when trends from the past or predictions about what is coming cannot be relied upon to show you the way forward?
  • How do you engage and energize the diverse stakeholders within a complex system, and help them work together, to get alignment on purpose and strategy?
  • How does leading in complexity differ from management? What skills and capacities are required for each? And when do we use which type?

In MSLS, you will examine learning and change processes in individuals, organisations and society through systems thinking approaches. You will also explore the role of the individual, including yourself, in creating a sustainable society. The overall aim is for you to develop the skills and capacities to understand, engage, co-learn, lead and energize change.

Different Approaches for Different Situations

Many traditional leadership approaches are not designed for dealing with complexity. By learning about various types of leadership, you will discover which are most effective in different situations especially which are best for intervening in complex systems to create movement towards a sustainable society. You will also learn how participatory processes can achieve innovative solutions no single individual is likely to develop alone.

Be, Think and Do Differently

Through the Leadership in Complexity theme, you will develop personal capacities, examining your own ideas, assumptions and ways of seeing the world as a critical step towards learning to facilitate change in others. You will develop various ways of thinking, from critical and strategic to systems and futures-oriented. You will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for working effectively with others to achieve better results.