MSLS faculty and instructors
The MSLS Programme team focuses on core learning competencies related to strategic sustainable development and leading in complexity. In addition, external instructors provide specialised expertise that is integral to the overall programme.
MSLS Programme founders
Dr. Göran Broman is a Professor and Science Director at the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, at BTH. Dr. Broman holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from Lund University. He has also studied subjects such as ecology, human ecology, economics, resource theory and leadership. He has extensive experience in transdisciplinary research and education and has played a leading role in the establishment of strategic sustainable development as a new academic subject area. He has worked with integration of sustainability aspects in higher education. He has worked in industry with innovation and quality assurance and he advises and trains leaders in industry and society in strategic sustainable development and leadership for sustainability. Dr. Broman founded the MSLS Program together with Dr. Robèrt in 2002 and was part of the design team that developed the launch version and early iterations of the programme.
Dr. Karl-Henrik Robèrt is a Professor at the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH. Dr. Robèrt holds a medical doctor’s degree and PhD in internal medicine from Karolinska Institute and has been Head of the Department of Clinical Hematology and Oncology at Huddinge Hospital. Dr. Robèrt has also been Professor of Physical Resource Theory at Chalmers University of Technology. He has extensive experience in transdisciplinary research and education and has played a leading role in the establishment of strategic sustainable development as a new academic subject area. He advises and trains leaders in industry and society in strategic sustainable development and leadership for sustainability. Dr. Robèrt founded the MSLS Program together with Dr. Broman in 2002 and was part of the design team that developed the launch version and early iterations of the programme.
Initital programme design lead and director
M.Sc. David Waldron was invited to Sweden in 2003, by Professors Broman and Robèrt, to lead the team that designed and launched the original MSLS Programme in August, 2004. This included developing and refining many of the defining features of the programme, including its unique approach to leadership and learning culture and the integration of co-creative processes with strategic sustainable development. David was Programme Director until 2006. David has, for 25 years, co-created original sustainability leadership initiatives for local communities, universities, businesses and non-profit organizations. He has taught sustainability leadership at BTH, University of British Columbia (UBC), Simon Fraser University (SFU) and UC Berkeley. David holds a Master’s of Resource and Environmental Management from SFU and a Bachelors of Applied Science (Civil Engineering) from UBC. David is co-founder of, and is actively working with Synapse Strategies, a consultancy focusing on strategic leadership towards sustainability and regenerative development.
MSLS faculty
Dr. James Ayers is the MSLS Programme Co-Director in the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH. He holds a Bachelor of Creative Arts, Diploma of Journalism and is an Alumni of the Master’s of Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability program in which he now facilitates and teaches. He has spent almost ten years working in large organisations working towards sustainability transitions, with a focus on education and communication aspects and also worked for Engineers Without Borders Australia as the Communications and Brand Manager and Team Captain of their Humanitarian Design Summit Program. He is from Melbourne, Australia.
Dr. Merlina Missimer is an Assistant Professor and the Programme Co-Director of MSLS at the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH. Her research has a focus on the social dimensions of sustainability. She holds a B.Sc. in international environmental studies from Franklin & Marshall University, USA, and a Masters in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from BTH.
M.Sc. Pierre Johnsson is a lecturer at the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH. He has a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from Carleton University, Canada, and a Master’s in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from BTH. He has extensive experience in strategic management work in companies and municipalities.
M.Sc. Elaine Daly is a lecturer and a PhD student in the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH. The focus of her research is on organisational transformation and the role of employees as changemakers to drive long last sustainable shifts in market-leading corporations. She has a B.Eng. in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and a Master’s in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from BTH. She has worked in the fields of International Development, Finance and Health as a coach, trainer and consultant.
Dr. Patricia Lagun Mesquita has a PhD from the Strategic Sustainable Development department at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden. Her research focuses on how to strategically integrate a social sustainability perspective into the product innovation process. Patricia has a B.A. in Social Sciences with a major in Anthropology from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a Master’s in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from BTH. Prior to her PhD, she worked for several years with supporting companies in Brazil in integrating sustainability thinking into their practices.
M.Sc. Dana Bergman works as a staff member of the MSLS Programme Team at the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development at BTH. She holds a BA in Social and Cultural Studies from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and a Master´s in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from BTH.
Dr. Rachael Gould is a researcher and teacher working with sustainable product design. She helps companies to integrate sustainability in their design processes. She also works with companies and organisations to understand how they can work with softer, more human aspects of the transition to sustainable product design, such as behaviour change, organisational learning and decision-making. In addition, Rachael is very passionate about education for sustainable development. She is a keen teacher and is the assistant coordinator for integrating sustainability in the University’s educational offerings.
Find a complete overview of all members of the Department of Strategic Sustainable Development (TISU) at BTH below.
Regular external instructors
Yannick Wassmer helps groups of people work better together to address our most pressing complex social and ecological issues and help leaders thrive in times of uncertainty and complexity. Yannick holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication Science from the University of Groningen, a Master’s of Arts (cum laude) in Intercultural Communication from the University of Utrecht, and a Master’s of Science in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden. In his work, he often draws from the following methods, mental models, and practices: The Art of Hosting; Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development / The Natural Step Framework; Theory U; Flow Game; Transition Management; Systems Thinking and Complexity Theory; Intercultural Facilitation. Yannick currently works as Senior Consultant at Reos Partners and as a Lead facilitator of the National Climate Assembly in the Netherlands.
As an educator and process facilitator, Courtnae Dunn is passionate about bridging the interdisciplinary field of leadership development with peacebuilding in order to deepen the effectiveness of conflict transformation practices. Over the past 15 years, she has built up extensive experience in peacebuilding in the global North and South.
Anders Wijkman is an opinionmaker and author. Anders is chairman of the Governing Board of Climate-KIC – the largest public-private partnership on innovation for low-carbon solutions in the EU. He is a member of the IRP (International Resource Panel) – a UN appointed expert body: “to build and share the knowledge needed to improve the use of our resources worldwide”. He is, as well, chair of Circular Sweden, a platform for producers, retailers and recycling companies to advance the Circular Economy. Anders is honorary president of the Club of Rome, member of the Int´l Advisory Board of SITRA (Finnish Innovation Fund). He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy on Forestry and Agricultural Sciences, the World Academy of Art and Science and the World Future Council. During his career Anders has served as a Member of the European Parliament and the Swedish Parliament, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Policy Director of UNDP, Director General of SAREC (the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries), Secretary General of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and as Secretary General of the Swedish Red Cross. Anders is honorary doctor at Linköping University (2011).
Dr. Bob Willard is the founder of The Sustainability Advantage – a source of research-based data on the business benefits of sustainability. Dr. Willard has extensive experience in business and leadership from his 34 year career at IBM Canada and in 2011 and was installed in the International Society of Sustainability Professionals’ Hall of Fame.
M.Sc. Tracy Chaplin Meisterhiem designs and facilitates transformative learning experiences and strategic change initiatives guided by a passion for building individual and collective capacity for conscious leadership and wise action towards a thriving world. Using creativity, mindfulness practices, contemplative dialogue, designed challenges, strategic frameworks and practical tools, Tracy illuminates new possibilities and deeper connections between people and planet through experiential training, participatory dialogues, educational design, and learning facilitation. Tracy is an Art of Hosting steward and founder and principal of Blue Heron Associates. Furthermore, she has experience directing a sustainability education center and the program of the Msc in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden.
Dr. Göran Carstedt is a Senior Director at The Clinton Foundation’s Large Cities Climate Initiative, a founding member of the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) and former CEO of IKEA in North America and Volvo in France. He is also one of the early contributors to the MSLS program and has been actively involved in each year’s class.
Tamara Connell is a Senior Associate at the Natural Step Canada. Tamara has been working with The Natural Step Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development since she began her Master’s degree in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) in Sweden, back in 2005. After completion of her degree, she spent one year working with the Vancity Group to enhance their sustainability performance and leadership. After that, she returned to Sweden to join the teaching team at BTH, eventually holding the role as MSLS Programme Director for several years. She has stewarded about 250 talented graduates through their studies in Sweden, and has taught around the world, including in Canada, USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, China, and on the Peace Boat’s 74th global voyage.
Augusto Cuginotti has 15 years experience in working with leaders and teams focusing on leadership development, organisational change and in designing & hosting learning interventions that are effective for corporate, governmental and civil society organisations. Augusto’s ability in connecting systems and people are key to his work in preparing and conducting changing processes in face of complex situations.
Kajsa Balkfors is an adviser, strategist and cultural entrepreneur operating within the areas of business, the arts, education and the public sector. She is the management consultant who became a circus director. During her 12 years as CEO and head of R&D at internationally-renowned Cirkus Cirkör, she co-established contemporary circus on a national and societal scale with a strong entrepreneurial focus. Now she is back in the public, non profit & business world to help organisations re-think risk and opportunities in order to be able to navigate and succeed in times of change. Kajsa is CEO, senior consultant, coach and educator at Unleash and brings a unique competence in strategy, leadership, collaborative innovation and creativity. She works thightly with her clients and a global network of partners in quest.
André Benaim is passionate about personal and organizational development. He explores these interests in his work as a coach, as well as within sustainability related projects. His work experience includes the development of innovation capabilities in teams, as well as the development and implementation of empowering programs and processes for teams to learn more from their experiences. Currently, Andre is a project leader at the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden.
Toke Paludan Moeller has been pioneering in the fields of sustainable entrepreneurship, participatory leadership, educational renewal, and social responsibility since the early 1970s. He is co-founder and CEO of InterChange, a for more than profit training and process consulting company based in Denmark. He is working across the world in all kinds of contexts where ever leaders are sincerely calling for help with their transformations.
Dr. Barrett Brown is a consultant and entrepreneur in the areas of leadership, organization, communication and sustainability. Dr. Brown has helped to initiate a dozen organizations, developed the multi-annual programs in leadership development, delivered leadership initiatives to managers in Fortune 500, and instructed senior officials of the United Nations Development Programme.
Past guest speakers
Dr. Jason Leadbitter is a Sustainability Manager at INEOS ChlorVinyls Ltd. and was previously Chief Sustainability Officer at Hydro Polymers Ltd. Dr. Leadbitter’s work focuses on research and development for the conversion of the plastics industry to sustainability.
Dr. Emanuele Campiglio is a senior researcher at the New Economics Foundation in the UK. Dr. Campiglio focus on macro-economics for sustainability, growth theory, ecological economics and environmental economics, modeling of climate change and basic economics theory.
Dr. Terry Collins is a professor of green chemistry and director of the Institute for Green Science at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Dr. Collins is an expert in catalytic environmental chemistry and has several patents for high-efficiency catalytic purification processes.
Dr. Robert Costanza is a professor of sustainability and director of the Institute for Sustainable Solutions at Portland State University, USA. Dr. Costanza is an expert in ecological economics.
Dr. Mark Everard is a director, member and former Chairman of the Institution of Environmental Sciences and Principal Scientist at the Environment Protection Agency, UK. Dr. Everard is an expert in freshwater environment and its equitable and sustainable use.
Dr. Leif Johansson is the Chairman of Ericsson and has been CEO of the Volvo Group, Electrolux, and other companies. Dr. Johansson is also Chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Board Member of the Association of Swedish Enterprises and Chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.
Dr. Thomas B. Johansson is a professor of Environmental and Energy Systems at Lund University. Dr. Johansson has been head of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University. He was convening lead author of the IPCC Second Assessment Report.
M.Sc. Martin Kalungu-Banda is a special consultant to the President of the Republic Zambia. M.Sc. Kalungu-Banda is a faculty member of the University of Cambridge’s Business and Environment Programme and has worked as a lecturer in business ethics at the University of Zambia.
Dr. Deniz Koca is a senior lecturer in applied systems analysis and system dynamics at Lund University and focuses on the complex dynamics of ecological and socio-economic systems.
Torbjörn Lahti is currently the Project Manager of the Sustainable Robertsfors project in northern Sweden. Between 1983 and 1989, Mr. Lahti was the Project Manager of the first eco-municipality in Sweden. He has been a teacher of sustainable development applied to municipalities for many years and has lectured extensively internationally. He is co-author of the book, The Natural Step for Communities.
Dr. Jason Meek is professor of Law at the University of California Berkeley, USA and also teaches Negotiation and Settlement at the Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at the University of California Hastings, USA.
MBA Charlotte Millar is a senior advisor in change strategies at the World Wildlife Fund, UK and part of the leadership team of the Finance Innovation Lab – an incubator for system change in the financial industry – and Tasting the Future – a network with a focus on sustainable food systems.
Dr. Åsa Persson is a research fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute. Dr. Persson’s research focuses on the processes of policy-making on the environment in Sweden and Europe, and the international and global governance of climate change adaptation.
M.Sc. Peter Price-Thomas holds an M.Sc. in sustainability and industrial ecology from Yale University and an MA in geography from the University of Edinburgh. M.Sc. Price-Thomas has been a visiting researcher at the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, manage Sustenance Ltd. and is an advisor to several multinational companies on strategic sustainability work.
Dr. Bo Rothstein is a professor of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Dr. Rothstein manage the Quality of Government Institute and is an expert on quality of governance, the social trap and anti-corruption and he leads the largest ever European project in the social sciences.
Dr. Otto Scharmer is a professor of Organization Studies at MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Scharmer is the founder of ELIAS (Emerging Leaders for Innovation Across Sectors), an initiative focused on the development of in-depth system innovation for a more sustainable world.
Dr. Peter Senge is a professor of Leadership and Sustainability at MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Senge is the founder of the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) and expert in organizational change and systems thinking.
Dr. Louise Trygg is a professor of energy systems at Linköping University. Dr. Trygg is an expert in modeling, simulation and optimization of energy systems, strategic energy development and energy efficiency.
M.Sc. Pong Leung was the second Programme Director of MSLS at BTH (2006-2008). He has led sustainability initiatives for over 10 years with a number of private, public and non-profit organisations and has played a leading role in the successful development of The Natural Step (TNS) in Canada. He holds a Master´s of Science Degree in Environmental Policy and Management from the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University, and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Alberta in Canada.
M.Sc. Edgard Gouveia Júnior is a teacher in the graduate program at the Universidade Monte Serrat, Brazil. He is the chairman and co-founder of the Instituto Elos – Brazil, a member of the Berkana Exchange, Member of the Ashoka Foundation and co-creator and designer of Oasis Game.
Sarah Denie is a macro-economist and educator with a Masters degree in International Economic Studies from Maastricht University (NL). Having started her career as a global strategy analyst in the financial sector, she soon decided to take her interests in human rights and ecological integrity seriously, and changed profession to become a researcher for Dutch and international NGOs. While researching a wide variety of industries and their persistent unsustainable social and environmental practices, Sarah became increasingly interested in the deeper drivers of the system. She returned to her original field of economics and self-educated in a wide range of economic alternatives.
Stenbjörn Styring is Professor in Molecular Biomimetics at the Department of Chemistry – Ångström. He previously held the chair in Biochemistry at Lund University. His research on photosynthesis deals with the mechanism of the oxygen evolving complex in Photosystem II. In artificial photosynthesis he focuses on manganese, cobalt and ruthenium-manganese compounds for water oxidation. Stenbjörn Styring is the chairman of the Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis.
M.Sc. Lars Alaeus is a founder and member of Positiva Pengar, the Swedish branch of International Movement of Monetary Reform, IMMR, a network active in 29 countries. From 1979 until retirement 2017, he has been working for Ericsson designing telecom systems. The problem that IMMR intends to solve is that the current monetary system, where money, our means to pay, is created by business banks in connection with a loan, makes the financial system unstable and increases the economic inequality between people and countries. This has been obvious during the last years where the value of houses and shares has boomed in spite of the economic crisis induced by the pandemic. The solution is to implement Sovereign Money, a monetary system for a sustainable society, where all money is created by the central bank and distributed so that it benefits all citizens instead of a few. The result is a monetary system disconnected from interest rates and fiscal policy and with no automatic drive to expand. A sustainable monetary system, a necessity for a sustainable society.
MSLS alumni
MSLS has over 700 alumni leading and working towards sustainability across multiple sectors of society in over 80 countries around the world. Explore how MSLS impacted them & how they are positively impacting the world.