BTH professor in new governmental research board

BTH professor of health science, Johan Sanmartin Berglund, is appointed member of a new national board established by the government. The board consists of researchers with special expertise in the elderly. The board will promote dialogue between the government and researchers in the field.

– I believe that I will be able to contribute with scientific background to the important decisions that will be made, says Professor Johan Sanmartin Berglund.

Johan Berglund’s broad expertise in both medicine and technology will be a good fit for the work of this board.

– I have knowledge about the health and lifestyle of the elderly, but also about how digitalisation can be used to promote the health of the elderly, says Johan Sanmartin Berglund.

The establishment of an Elderly Research Board allows the Minister of Health and Social Affairs to have a continuous dialogue with researchers in this area.

– Sweden has an aging population. This is positive, but it also presents major challenges for the welfare society. Topics for discussions can be how the elderly care of the future should be designed and how the elderly can continue to be healthy and how serious diseases can be prevented. That is why I am pleased that we now have a board which can contribute to this important work, said Minister of Health and Social Affairs Lena Hallengren, in a press release.

The new board consists of 15 members and will meet a couple of times a year.

Johan Sanmartin Berglund has also become a member of the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services, SBU, which is tasked with conducting independent evaluations of methods in health care, including dental care.

30 December 2019