BTH professor Johan Eklund – new member of IVA

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) strengthens its competence and expertise with 12 new members. Among those elected are Johan Eklund, professor of industrial economics at BTH, who is elected to the Department of Economics.

IVA brings together the expertise and experience of more than 1,200 elected academic members and 250 companies. BTH professor Johan Eklund is one the new members.

Johan Eklund’s main research interest concerns the relationship between institutions, in particular rules, and their long-term effects on economic development and growth. His interest is broad and includes industrial economics, institutional economics and law as well as economics. He has also recently conducted research in educational economics and human capital. New areas for Johan’s research interest are entrepreneurship and how institutions and regulations affect entrepreneurship. His research is aimed at both an academic and a political audience.

Johan Eklund is also CEO of Entrepreneurship Forum and holds a professorship in economics. For several years, Johan has also been associated with the Institute for Development Studies, School of Policy and Environmental Affairs, at Indiana University in the United States. Johan graduated in 2008 at Jönköping International Business School. He has studied in several countries and holds a master’s degree from the University of Vienna in Austria.

Johan is also active in several international research networks and a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.

13 December 2019