BTH ranks top 25 in the world in terms of student mobility

BTH is once again among the top 25 performing universities in the world according to U-Multirank, which compares higher education institutions. BTH is one of 25 performing universities in the category “international orientation – student mobility”.

-BTH secured this position due the strong presence of an international student body as well as offering students the opportunity to study part of their degree-programme abroad, says International director Mats Walter.

U-Multirank takes into account both incoming and outgoing mobility.

-Internationalization is a core pillar at BTH, and it permeates both education and research. We believe that international exposure will prepare our students for their future workplace, concludes Mats Walter.

U-Multirank is a multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. It compares the performances of higher education institutions – in short: universities – in the five dimensions of university activity: (1) teaching and learning, (2) research, (3) knowledge transfer, (4) international orientation and (5) regional engagement.

BTH is one of the globally top 25 performing universities in the category “international orientation – student mobility”.

See U-Multirank 

18 November 2021