BTH has signed a collaboration with Curtin University, Australia

Bild av Mats Viberg och Mats Walter

BTH is involved in approximately 100 collaborations with higher education institutions in Europe, and about 35 outside Europe. Recently, a first agreement, a MoU, with Curtin University in Australia was signed.

BTH Vice-Chancellor Professor Mats Viberg and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Seth Kunin of Curtin University, Australia, signed an initial agreement between the universities. Curtin University located in Perth is a reputable university with a profile that is very attractive to BTH.

-The idea is to develop and deepen cooperation in research and education and therefore a so-called MoU is an important step in this endeavor, says Mats Walter, International director at BTH.

-BTH intends to send and receive students, researchers, teachers and looks forward with great anticipation to the continued work, between the higher education institutions, he continues.

The aim is increase all students’ international experience
-The ambitions at BTH are to increase the proportion of students who have international experience during their education over the next few years. This can be done by offering study stays at higher education institutions outside Sweden during parts of the education. The aim is that 20 percent of those studying at BTH should have this experience, Mats Walter explains.

For those students who are not able to study abroad, the international perspective should be through so-called “Internationalization at Home”. This is achieved, among other things, through an increased number of students from other countries. The goal is that 20 percent of BTH’s students should have an international study background.

That is why a collaboration with Curtin University, which is ranked top 250 in the world, is very important.

15 November 2021