Double degree in cyber security through collaboration project

Bachelor’s students at BTH receive a double degree in cyber security through a collaboration project between universities in Russia and Ukraine specializing in the area.

BTH participates in the EU funded project Educating the next generation of experts in cyber security, which give Bachelor’s students the opportunity to study cyber security outside Sweden.

After completing a three-year Bachelor’s degree in IT security at BTH, students can continue studying a two-year Master’s programme. The programme is divided into two parts – one year at BTH and the final year in Russia or Ukraine, where they specialize in cyber security.

“The amazing thing about this collaboration is that the students get a double degree. They receive a Master’s degree in cyber security from our partner university and a Master’s degree in computer science from BTH. In other words, they get a degree for free, says Tech. Dr. Anders Carlsson, at BTH.

Last week, five BTH students from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in Ukraine and Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications in Russia got their double degree in this collaboration.

“There is a fast growing labour market for students with skills in this area as the world around us becomes increasingly digitalized. At the same time, new tools and methods for intrusion, fraud and sabotage are being spread. Cybercrime and data leaks are problems we, as a society, need to deal with – that is why students with these special skills are extremely important, says Anders Carlsson.

The main objective of the project Educating the next generation of experts in cyber security is to create new Master’s programme in the area of IT security as a response on cyber security threats by educating the next generation experts.


28 June 2021