BTH researchers on the top 100 list

Four BTH researchers are included in the list of the 100 most cited researchers, according to a survey made by the Swedish magazine Fokus. Associate professor of computer science, Johanna Törnquist Krasemann, comes first among the four BTH researchers.

The ranking of individual researchers is made based on how much they are quoted and there is a 100 list per area. Four BTH researchers are listed on the 100 “mathematics and technology” list. They are:

  • Johanna Törnquist Krasemann, associate professor of computer science (place 31)
  • Kai Petersen, professor of software engineering (place 62)
  • Tony Gorschek, professor of software engineering (place 90)
  • Johan Öinert, professor of mathematics (place 95)

The ranking is based on a compilation of all publications and citations from nearly 20,000 international scientific journals between 2012 and 2015, but with citations counted up to and including 2017. These are collected in the international database Web of science. The articles generate points based on how “strong” the articles are, that is, how they are used by researchers in international journals. And it’s not just temporary popularity that counts; Articles that are cited many times over the period give more points.


5 November 2019