TIEK Researcher Awarded Best Quantitative Paper at ACERE Conference

Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol was awarded Best Quantitative Paper at the 2024 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference (ACERE) in Sydney, Australia.  

Viroj presented his paper titled “Agglomeration economies, the birth and infancy performance of new firms: Evidence along the industry life cycle,” which was written together with co-authors Javier Changoluisa from Universidad Espiritu Santo, Ecuador and Aldo Salinas from Universidad de las Américas, Ecuador. The paper studies how agglomeration economies influence the performance of Swedish firms during the birth and infancy stages of the entrepreneurial process. Using detailed microdata, the study captures the complex interplay between geography and firm performance. According to the researchers, “understanding these associations is crucial for policymakers interested not only in promoting the number of new firms but also in the quality of them”. 

The conference was held at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and organised by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Business School during February 5-8, 2024. The theme for this year’s conference was Entrepreneurship in an Age of Complexity and Societal Change.  

Congratulations, Viroj! 

23 February 2024