Ingvar Gustavsson gets award of excellence for efforts in engineering education

Ingvar Gustavsson

BTH professor Ingvar Gustavsson is posthumously awarded the Maffioli Award of Excellence for developing teaching and learning in engineering education.

It is the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) that every year acknowledges an individual teacher, or a team of teachers, who has made a systematic and extraordinary effort to develop learning and teaching within engineering education. Dr Ingvar Gustavsson is posthumously awarded the Maffioli Award for his work about the importance of performing lab experiments in different ways in engineering education.

Ingvar Gustavsson gets the award for his contribution in using remote experiments using Virtual Instrument System In Reality,(VISIR). He started developing the remote lab in 1999, at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). His goal was to allow students to freely perform available experiments, while learning about electric and electronic circuits. Prof. Gustavsson’s vision enables students freely perform experiments, either locally or remotely.

Please see the film with Dr Ingvar Gustavsson here.


24 September 2018