Marine engineering students gain skills in unique lab at sea

Today, another step was taken in the creation of an underwater lab outside BTH’s campus in Karlskrona. The lab will give the marine engineering students a unique opportunity to gain the skills that are in high demand by several companies. In a few weeks, the lab will be ready for operation and students can start using it in their education.
Throughout the Master of Science in marine engineering programme, we focus on future needs for the development of different types of marine engineering systems. There is an increase in the demand for these skills as a result of the increased digitalization and automation.
– The need to work underwater will increase in the future. That is why it is natural that our students focus on the systems needed for this, says Oskar Frånberg, associate professor at BTH and programme manager.
In the underwater lab students will practice laying cables, detecting them, separating them and to test how best to work underwater – a skill that can be used in several areas of work, both civilian and military.
– An example is that we get more and more energy from the sea. Then we have to cope with just that type of underwater installations. This is what the students will train, which gives them a practical feeling for work with installation work underwater, says Oskar Frånberg.
One company that looks forward to employing students in marine engineering is NKT in Karlskrona. Today, the company has to turn abroad to find the right skills.
– It is vital that these students feel that they are important – the labour market is waiting for them, says Jan Flincke, responsible for the offshore operations at NTK in Karlskrona.
The underwater lab is not located in Karlskrona by chance.
– Karlskrona is Sweden’s marine capital and the students’ connection to the business community is clear already today, but it will be even clearer, says Lennart Johansson at Blue Science Park who runs this project.
24 March 2021