New Master’s programme for professionals

In January, BTH started a new Master’s programme in software engineering, aimed for professionals in the area. Of more than 300 applicants, 70 were accepted and these will learn to develop software where high demands are placed on efficiency and quality. In this way, they gain an in-depth competence within their professional area.

This programme is a possibility for software professionals to complete a university degree on distance in software engineering at a 50% pace during four semesters. You will learn how to build and test software products that use modern technology, how to improve modern development processes and enhance your skill set and take on new challenges and responsibilities in software development projects and enterprises.

– Being a software professional requires constant learning. This specialization promises to give you deeper insights into the different phases of software development, from requirements definition, through delivery and verification, including crucial knowledge in security and machine learning. Using this knowledge, you should be well set up for your future development as a software professional, says Anders Sundelin Senior Systems Architect at Ericsson.

All steps in the process are taught
The programme covers requirement engineering, testing, cloud computing, agile software development, machine learning, software security, and research methodology. The courses involve both individual and group work where you can work with and learn from other professionals all over the world. To be admitted to the education, you must have at least two years’ professional experience from the area.

One of the students is Boopathi Guganathan. He makes this statement about the programme:

”Coming from a working professional background, I was looking for a course that suits my needs in the software sector with a flexible pace of study. This Master’s programme serves the best need for me and I am a proud student now. It leverages the use of digital tools that supports students to study from anywhere especially with the COVID pandemic situation. Good course structure and great way of learning. I would recommend it 100%.”

More information about this master’s programme is available here.







1 March 2021