Research in big data has had great scientific impact

BTH’s research in big data – which focuses on efficient systems for analysis of large amounts of data – has had a major international scientific impact and given companies increased knowledge. This shows a recent external evaluation.

The evaluation, carried out by the external analysis company Damvad Analytics, shows a large scientific impact compared with other in research funding made by the Knowledge Foundation and that the companies that participated gained valuable knowledge.

Researchers are cited all over the world
The evaluators state that the scientific impact is great. The researchers are above average when it comes to citations compared to other research environments and the citations refer to Sweden, the Nordic countries and the OECD countries. At the same time, they state that it has been difficult to be quoted in top-ranked magazines.

-I think there are many impressive results of the evaluation, not least in terms of publications. An interesting detail is that the only research environment that has so far been evaluated with an even better citation rate is also from BTH, namely that within model-driven product-service development, says Vice-Chancellor Mats Viberg.

The collaboration provides increased knowledge for companies
The research in big data at BTH is carried out in close collaboration with a number of companies* and the evaluation shows that the companies are very satisfied with the collaboration and that they are happy to continue collaborating. The companies say that they have gained an increased scientific level within their own company, gained access to materials and competence and deepened and renewed their collaborations with the academy.

-It has been a fantastic journey to build a strong research environment in big data analytics, AI and machine learning. We are now continuing to work with new projects and courses in the area, in-depth industrial collaboration, and international collaborations, says Håkan Grahn, professor of computer science at BTH.

Strong research environments at BTH
During the period 2014–2020, the research environment “BigData @ BTH” has received funding from the Knowledge Foundation. It is one of three strong research environments at BTH with funding from the Knowledge Foundation. The others focus on the production of digital methods and tools  to develop the next generation of sustainable products in the manufacturing industry and on developing new working methods and methods so that Swedish companies can develop future software intensive products and services in a competitive way.

Read more about research million in big data here.

* Archive Digital AD, Compuverde (now Pure Storage), Ericsson, Noda Intelligent Systems, Telenor Sweden, and Sony Mobile Communications.

16 November 2020