Research scholarship for smart glasses

Researcher Charlotte Romare recently received a scholarship for her research project “smart glasses”. With the help of these special glasses, healthcare staff can directly see a patient’s different values, which facilitates both monitoring and treatment decisions.

Researcher Charlotte Romare is developing and testing a special type of glasses; glasses with built-in prism, showing the patient’s vital values. With this technique, patients can be monitored more easily and it will also be easier for the intensive care staff to make the right treatment decision. Her research was recently rewarded with a national research grant by the Swedish National Association for Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Aniva.

– I am very happy and proud to have been awarded the scholarship and it feels great that the project is brought to this attention. The scholarship will be of great benefit to me – it gives me greater opportunities to disseminate research results both nationally and internationally, says Charlotte Romare.

The reasons for Charlotte receiving the scholarship include:

“The result of the research can lead to increased access to the patient’s vital parameters, which can reduce the risk of making wrong decisions in emergency situations. By having staff access to these parameters, they receive support for decisions that can be used even if they are not physically in place. ”

Aniva is a professional association for specialist nurses and their research scholarship aims to make visible research results and to support nurses’ research work in anesthesia and intensive care. Charlotte Romare will present the research results at one of Aniva’s congresses as she nears the end of her doctoral project.

Charlotte Romare is an intensive care nurse and industrial doctoral student in applied health technology at BTH. Her research project is called “Smart glasses in complex healthcare environments – an innovation for alarm management and advanced decision support”.

Picture: Romare

5 December 2019