Profile pages

1. What are profile pages?

Profile pages, also known as CV pages, are pages where employees at BTH (Blekinge Institute of Technology) can publish information about themselves. The pages are primarily designed for educational staff and researchers, but all employees can publish their page if they wish.

The pages include contact information retrieved from the personnel database, along with a profile picture and any links to social networks. In addition, one can also publish a biography, projects, and publications, including the number of publications and citations per year.

2. Create a new page

A profile page is automatically created when a user logs in for the first time in WordPress through the link (the page must be published to become public).

Since the login is done through AD (Active Directory), only the user themselves can create and update their own page. Only administrators have access to other users’ profiles.

3. Edit the profile page

To edit your profile page, click on your name in the top right corner of the black menu and then select ‘Edit My Profile’. Inside WordPress, you can also click on ‘Profile’ in the left menu (‘Users’ if you are an administrator).

Please note! Many of the fields in the editing mode are not used on the profile page and can therefore be ignored. The fields that you can fill in are listed below in the order they appear in the editing mode.

5. ResearchGate profile

If you have a profile on ResearchGate, you can add the link here.

In the ‘Researchgate profile URL’ section, click on the ‘Select Link’ button. Enter the address of your profile in the ‘URL’ field, and then click on the ‘Add Link’ button.

On the profile page, the link will be displayed along with other social networks under the heading ‘Follow me on’.

6. Ongoing/Finished Projects

Here you can add the names of research projects and optional links to project pages.

First, click on ‘Add Row’. Then enter the name of the project and add a link to the project page under the ‘Select Link’ button.

Ongoing and finished projects can be published in both Swedish and English.

7. CV

You can upload your CV in both Swedish and English.

Click on the ‘Add File’ button and then ‘Select Files’. Locate your CV on your computer and click ‘Open’.

The CV file should be in PDF format. Also, be careful not to include your full social security number or other sensitive personal information in your CV.

8. Press image

If you wish, you can upload a high-resolution press image for download on your profile page.

Under “Press Image”, click on the “Add Image” button, and then “Select Files”. Locate your press image on your computer and click “Open”.

The press image should be high-resolution (300 DPI).

9. Social networks

Here you can add links for the social networks you want to display on your page, for example:

Click on the “Select Link” button. Then enter the link to your profile in the “URL” field, and click the “Add Link” button.

On your profile page, the link will be displayed along with other social networks under the heading “Follow me on”.

10. Publications

The profile pages automatically retrieve the five latest publications with your name as an author from the publication database DiVA. You can also add your own featured publications. You can do this under the heading “Featured publications”.

To add a publication, click on the “Add Publication” button and enter the name in the text field. Then click on “Select Link” and paste the link to the publication from DiVA.

Publications can be in Swedish or English. Since the latest publications are limited to five, it’s recommended to keep the featured publications to the same number.

11. Biography

Biography can be published in both Swedish and English, and is divided into two fields. The first field (Biography – Swedish / English) is what is displayed when the page is opened. The extended biography (Biography extended – Swedish / English) is shown when clicking on “Show more” below the biography text.

Note! You must fill in the biography in both languages in order to publish the page! This is because otherwise your name will not be linked in both languages in the search results.


Above the text fields, there is a toolbar with various functions. It should be in two rows – if you only see one row, click on the button furthest to the right (1). Each button has a tool-tip, hover over it to see its function.

Wordpress, profilsida, redigera text

Formatting Buttons

It’s common to copy and paste text from a document (e.g. Word). In doing so, incorrect formatting may be carried over in the background. To avoid this, first click on the “Paste as text” button (2). If a text has incorrect formatting, select the text and click on the “Clear formatting” button (3).

In addition to buttons for left-aligned, center-aligned, and right-aligned text, as well as indent and bullet/numbered list, there are several buttons for changing formatting. These are the most common ones:

  • Normal text requires no settings. Make sure “Paragraph” is selected in the drop-down menu at the top left.
  • Bold text is used to emphasize individual words or sentences.
  • Italic text should be avoided.
  • Quote is used for creating quotations.
  • Horizontal line is used to create a line to mark the boundary between two paragraphs.

Paragraph menu (headings)

Under the drop-down menu “Paragraph” at the top left of the toolbar (4), you will find the heading sizes. Headings are used in descending order. Using the correct heading is important for accessibility, as it affects how visual aids handle the text for visitors with visual impairments.

Format menu

Under the drop-down menu “Format” at the bottom left of the toolbar (5), you will find the format for preamble and link buttons. To create a button, you must first create the link. Then, select the link and choose the button.


You should also choose a custom title for your biography. Enter the title in the field next to “Biography title – Swedish / English”.

12. Publications and citations

The number of publications and citations are displayed as bar charts and in a fact circle at the bottom of the profile page.

Profilsida, publikationer och citeringar

The number and years are entered manually under “Publications per year” and “Citations per year”. Start by clicking on “Add Row”, enter the number and year in the respective fields. To add another year, click on “Add Row” again.

To enter the total number of citations, type the number in the field under “Number of citations”.

13. Profile picture

At “Profile picture”, click on the “Add image” button, and then “Choose files”. Locate your profile picture on your computer and click on “Open”.

The profile picture should be square, maximum 500 pixels in size. If you do not have an image in the correct size, please contact the communications department and we will assist you.

14. Research subject

Select the research subject (research area) you are active in from the list under “Select Research subject”.

The research subject will not be displayed on the profile page, but it will be used in filtering when searching for personnel.

15. Save and publish

After making any changes, the profile must be updated/saved.

You can do this by clicking on the “Update profile” button (1).

To publish the profile page, check the box next to “Publish” (2) and click on the “Update profile” button (1). If the biography is filled in, make sure it is available in both Swedish and English. Otherwise, you will receive an error message when trying to publish.
