Smart glasses for better care

närbild på smarta glasögon

Charlotte Romare’s research focuses on smart glasses and this innovation is to be tested at the clinic. 

“When caring for a patient, you can select which parameters are to be visible in the glasses, maybe ECG, blood pressure, oxygen levels or something else depending on which decision-making support is required. The glasses provide a quick overview while enabling the user to focus completely on the patient instead of on different screens”, says Charlotte Romare.

The glasses may also be used to allow for someone to participate remotely, perhaps for training purposes or for expert assistance. As it is also possible to record what is happening, they provide material for self-evaluation and further development.

“For example, surgery have been live-streamed to students and provided them with the opportunity to ask questions during the operation. However, in my project I have focused on the field of application in which you can see the patient’s vital parameters during the actual care”, says Charlotte Romare.

Charlotte Romare works in healthcare practice while conducting research on the smart glasses in a project with BTH.

“We have used focus groups from healthcare to get as close to the needs as possible and to ensure that what is seen in the glasses is easy to recognise based on what they are used to seeing on their screens. The information from the focus groups has then been the basis for the software developers who have produced an app for the glasses”, says Charlotte Romare.

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23 June 2020