Project status


Project Manager


Research in Computer Science

CONVINcE addresses the challenge of reducing the power consumption in IPbased video networks with an end-to-end approach, from the Head End where contents are encoded and streamed to the terminals where they are consumed, embracing the Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and the core and access networks. Energy saving is a key challenge for the European Union and the CONVINcE project contributes to win this challenge. CONVINcE helps the European industry to develop new solutions and products reducing the energy footprint of video delivery networks. The double effect gained is to reduce the energy consumption in Europe and to boost the competiveness of the European industry in the area addressed by the CONVINcE project.

Main focus
The ICT carbon footprint is expected to exceed carbon footprint of air travel by a factor of two before 2020 and Internet traffic is definitively driven by video. Furthermore, should people not be convinced of the necessity to reduce carbon dioxide emission, they will need to react to the economic aspect of the problem coming from the increase of the price of electricity. Optimizing and reducing the end-to-end power consumption in IP-based video distribution networks from the Head End to the terminal is the main focus of the project. Some results on the Head End and terminals may however be applied to traditional broadcast networks (terrestrial, satellite and cable) as well. The project addresses a wide range of areas and technologies encompassing the following components and functionalities:

  • Video encoding and transcoding
  • Adaptive bit streaming
  • Core/metro networks
  • Access networks, 4G
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
  • Routing protocols
  • Software Defined Networks (SDN)
  • Set Top Boxes (STB)
  • Fixed and mobile terminals
More information about the project.




Contact Person


Patrik Arlos

Patrik Arlos
Senior lecturer

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