PROMPT – Academic courses for industrial competence development
PROMPT – Academic courses for industrial competence development
Project status
Project Manager
Research in Software Engineering
Software is a business-critical resource for large parts of Swedish private enterprise and an important source of innovation and competitiveness. In cooperation with academia and industry we have established PROMPT, a national education alternative with the aim of guaranteeing the supply of software-related advanced skills and innovative power for Swedish private enterprise.
PROMPT is a collaboration between BTH, Mälardalen University, Chalmers, the University of Gothenburg and RISE SICS and a number of leading Swedish industrial companies and organizations. The project is funded by the Knowledge Foundation and by participating universities and companies.
PROMPT provides customized, free education for engineers and software developers. The university courses, 22 in total, are web-based and developed to suit professionals who need to be able to combine work and studies. All courses are on master’s level and have been produced in close cooperation with companies involved in the project.
Read more about PROMPT at our webpage

Tony Gorschek

Claes Wohlin
Professor emeritus

Anna Eriksson
Samordnare Utbildning och Forskningsprojekt

Torbjörn Fridensköld

Mikael Svahnberg
Senior lecturer/Associate professor

Krzysztof Wnuk

Michael Unterkalmsteiner
Senior lecturer/Associate professor

Darja Smite

Ahmad Nauman Ghazi
Senior lecturer