Digital Collaboration and Automized Tracing of Information (D-CAT) – Deliverables

Project deliverables

D-CAT is organized around nine work packages (WP). Each WP resulted in one or more deliverables that are published here.

The deliverable for WP8 is a screen-cast that summarizes the technical project results in a demonstrator.

Work package 1 – Coordination needs assessment

Deliverable type: Scientific publication

W. Adbeen, K. Wnuk, M. Unterkalmsteiner and A. Chirtoglou, “Challenges of Requirements Communication and Digital Assets Verification in Infrastructure Projects”, submitted to a Journal and currently under review (September 2022). A summary of the paper is available in the project report under work package 9.

Work package 2 – Traceability through classification

Deliverable type: Scientific publication

  1. M. Unterkalmsteiner and W. Abdeen, “A compendium and evaluation of taxonomy quality attributes,” Expert Systems, 2022.
  2. W. Abdeen, M. Unterkalmsteiner, A. Chirtoglou, C. P. Schimanski, H. Goli, and K. Wnuk, “Taxonomic Trace Links – Rethinking Traceability and its Benefits,” submitted to a Journal and currently under review (September 2022). A summary of the paper is available in the project report under work package 9.

Work package 3 – Digital asset design and analysis

Deliverable type: Report

J. Braun, “Project Data Structure“, 2021.

Work package 4 – Client input interface

Deliverable type: Report, prototype and source code

  1. W. Abdeen and M. Unterkalmsteiner, “Client Input Interface – The Recommender System“, 2022
  2. TRVInfra requirement classifier. The demonstrator illustrates how a sample of TRVInfra requirements is classified with SB11 classes using natural language processing. The suggestions provided by the classifier can be compared with the true SB11 codes that we identified in a collaborative effort with HOCHTIEF ViCon and Trafikverket.
  3. Source code for the classifier and for the demonstrator.

WP5 – Supplier output interface

Deliverable type: Report

J. Braun, “Exchange Information Requirements recommendations” (Annex A, Annex B), 2022

WP6/7 – Handling results from requirements validation / Digital asset verification

Deliverable type: Report

M. Unterkalmsteiner and A. Chirtoglou, “Digital asset verification – State-of-the-art and feasibility study“, 2022

WP8 – Digital asset visualization

Deliverable type: Screencast

Demonstrator of digital asset visualization and verification (video).

WP9 – Guidelines and recommendations

Deliverable type: Report

D-CAT team, “Final report“, 2022

Project Team

Blekinge Institute of Technology

Michael Unterkalmsteiner (Project leader and contact)

Waleed Abdeen

Krzysztof Wnuk


Alexandros Chirtoglou

Christoph Schimanski

Heja Goli

Jan-Derrick Braun

Marcus Rowsell


Jitka Hotovcova

Göran Samuelsson

Martin P. Lundberg