Digital Sustainability Implementation Package – DSIP

Digital Sustainability Implementation Package – DSIP

Project status


Project owner/Main project leader


Sophie Hallstedt


English news

The purpose of DSIP – Digital Sustainability Implementation Package – is to enable a strategic sustainability approach early in the product innovation process. The DSIP package compile a knowledge platform, a data management platform and novel digital tools to evaluate, measure, estimate, predict, set requirement, and simulate expected sustainability performance for alternative product concepts early in the development. The objective is to demonstrate, validate and generalize DSIP for different industrial applications in collaboration with 16 committed project partners.

Expected project results

The short-term result after the project ending in 2023 is the following validated DSIP capabilities:

  • to efficiently manage sustainability and technical data for traceability and reuse during the product life cycle,
  • to measure expected sustainability impact for different concepts,
  • to design and evaluate different sustainable solutions,
  • to improve decision making in the product innovation process and guide the product developers with prerequisites to innovate sustainable products and circular solutions to the market.

Long-term, DSIP will influence the development of standards, tools and other control mechanisms. By commercialisation of DSIP, the support tools will be available to all sorts of companies. Furthermore, we foresee a system shift in how products are manufactured and used, based on increased maturity level of decision making with a critical mass of leaders and product developers trained to apply DSIP.

Project outline and implementation

Validation is done from applying DSIP on minimum three industrial cases. A business plan for scale-up, commercialisation and international implementation will be developed.

There are five interconnected WPs:

Work package Description WP-leader
WP 1: Industrial case collaboration    Validation of DSIP capabilities   Ola Isaksson,    Chalmers
WP2: DSIP Product development toolkit    Development and integration of toolkit  in digital platform (WP3) and validated  in industrial cases (WP1).    Sophie Hallstedt,  BTH
WP3: DSIP Digital platform    Knowledge platform and data  management of DSIP    Saeid Torkabadi,  Europstep
WP4: DSIP Business development    Ensure DSIP business value with scale-    up and implementation plan    Magnus Kuschel,  Malmeken
WP5: Project management    Helena Tillborg, BTH

The project is performed in open collaboration, with 16 companies engaged to secure project deliverables. Project management are experienced leaders that can leverage diversity, encourage curiosity, challenge stakeholders and progress innovation in the intersection of digitalisation and sustainability across industries.

Sustainability fingerprint – one of the tools in DSIP toolkit




Matilda Watz

Matilda Watz
Biträdande universitetslektor

Jesko Schulte

Jesko Schulte
Biträdande universitetslektor

Josefin Lövdahl

Josefin Lövdahl
Doctoral student

Sze Yin Kwok

Sze Yin Kwok
Biträdande lektor