Grants Office

BTH Grants Office

BTH Grants Office assists researchers with identifying, applying for, and coordinating external research funds. We inform about upcoming calls and events, provide business intelligence and initiate workshops and seminars on funding for research and development projects. We offer advice and support for proposal writing as well as ongoing project management.

We work with a great variety of programmes for externally funded research, development and innovation projects ranging from regional and national levels to EU and other international levels.

BTH conducts highly interesting research in fields that are of great importance to society where collaboration with companies is essential. Read more

What Grants Office does

What Grants Office does

  • Information and business intelligence.
  • We inform about grants for external projects that are relevant to BTH.
  • We respond to inquiries and continuously monitor news about research funding via the EU.
  • We initiate seminars/workshops and trainings related to funding programmes for research and development; e.g. how to run transnational projects, how to write project proposals and more.

Support and advice

  • We monitor projects from idea to completion and participate in the process as advisors and sounding board.
  • We assist with advice at the idea development stage, search for partners and support throughout the application procedure.
  • We provide advice on financial management and reporting in cooperation with the BTH Finance Office.
  • Through our networks we strive to connect people and ideas. For example, on the EU level we can find relevant contact persons in Brussels and organise visits to Brussels for networking and matchmaking purposes. On a national and regional level, we keep contact with financing bodies and are present on the regional arena for collaboration between BTH, industry and public authorities.

Kayode Adekunle
Research Advisor
Grants Office, Collaboration and Innovation Unit
Phone: +46 455-38 52 19

Marie Wik

Marie Wik
Research Advisor
Grants Office, Collaboration and Innovation Unit
Phone: 0455-38 52 52

Kent Adolfsson, ekonom, fotografi

Kent Adolfsson
Finance Office
Phone: +46 455-38 58 68