Alessandro Bertoni
Biträdande professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Room J3402
Professor in Mechanical Engineering since April 2025, Alessandro Bertoni started his academic career by obtaining a Ph.D. in Product Innovation at Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) in 2013. With as a background a master in Management Engineering at University of Bergamo (Italy), Alessandro has matured industrial experience by working as R&D assistant and general manager assistant respectively in Belgium and Italy, before moving to Sweden.
he core of Alessandro’s research activity focuses on methods and tools to support the early stages of product and systems development in the field of engineering design and systems engineering. Alessandro Bertoni is active in the research field of Value-Driven Design and Product Service Systems design, where is majorly collaborating with companies operating in the aerospace and the construction machinery industry. Alessandro’s current research interest focus on the use of data-intense technologies (e.g. data mining and machine learning), to generate predictive models to support engineering decision making, addressing the lack of trustworthiness in deterministic models.
He is currently responsible for a number of courses at bachelor and master and doctoral level, such as Systems Engineering, Engineering Design Reseach Methodology, Innovative and Sustainable Product Development.