Emilia Mendes

Emilia Mendes



Bio Emilia Mendes

I am Professor in Computer Science at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), and a Finnish Distinguished Professor in Software Engineering at the University of Oulu (Finland).

The core of the research I am involved in is applied, and falls within Computer Science & Empirical Software Engineering. More specifically, I have focused upon: i) the use of statistical and machine-learning techniques to several areas such as Software/Web cost estimation, value-based decision making, software maintenance; ii) measurement and metrics (e.g. Web metrics, productivity, quality, usability); iii) evidence-based research (which includes Systematic literature reviews and Mapping Studies); iv) software process improvement; and v) personality and its relation to learning and also to productivity. More recently I am also involved in the investigation of machine learning in the healthcare domain, and capability measurement and quality improvement via PhD supervisions.

The abovementioned research has led to more than 200 refereed publications, including three books (one edited (2005 – Web Engineering), and two written as sole author (2007 – Cost Estimation Techniques for Web Projects; 2014 – Practitioner’s Knowledge Representation: A Pathway to Improve Effort Estimation)), and 10 best paper awards at International Conferences. I have also given 11 keynotes at several events.

Further, with regard to what I consider to be measures of one’s research impact and academic reputation, my achievements have been to date the following:

  • Citations and h-index measures, I have received to date 5307 citations[1][2], with an h-index = 40. Google scholar ranks me as #25 amongst Empirical Software Engineering Scholars.
  • Research Grants: I have been awarded, as either Research Leader, or Collaborator, over 5M EUR.
  • Received seven best paper awards at international conferences, two of which at ESEM.
  • Program Committee (PC) Co-Chair for the two most prestigious conferences in Empirical Software Engineering (EASE 2012, and ESEM 2012); Euromicro/SEAA PC Co-Chair 2015. EASE 2017 General Chair.
  • Editorial board membership of some of the leading journals in the fields of Software Engineering, and Web Engineering (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the Software Quality Journal, the Journal of Web Engineering). Former editorial board member of the Empirical Software Engineering Journal (2007 to 2011).
  • PC membership of 200+ events, representing editions of 45+ International & regional conferences, 25+ international & regional workshops, and others (e.g. summer schools).


In relation to teaching, I have taught a wide range of Computer Science and Software Engineering topics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with an excellent teaching record; supervised 16 MSc. and 4 PhD students to completion; co-supervised three DSc. theses (all completed); supervising/co-supervising 6 PhD students.

With regard to University, School/Faculty, and Department administrative and service duties, I had a leading role in numerous service activities throughout my 18 years as a full time academic.

Finally, I have consulting experience in the areas of Web resource estimation (e.g. effort, risk), databases, Web usability, and object-oriented development, as well as running industry workshops in Web cost estimation and productivity benchmarking, and several tutorials and short courses on Web cost estimation, and software metrics & measurement.

[1] Including self-citations; H-index = 40; statistics based on publish or perish software on Google scholar data run on the 18th of October, 2017

[2] http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Mz4IbXgAAAAJ&hl=en

Projects & Publications