Evangelos Bourelos

Evangelos Bourelos

Senior lecturer


Department of Industrial Economics, Room J2404

+46 (0) 455-385606

Evangelos Bourelos, researcher in innovation and entrepreneurship, defended his dissertation in 2013 at the School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg. Evangelos is currently working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Industrial Dynamics (TIEK) at BTH.

Evangelos has a background and an undergraduate degree in Finance and Accounting. He holds an MSc degree in Economics of Innovation and Growth from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, with his master’s studies focused on Economics of Innovation and quantitative approaches. He obtained a doctoral degree in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Intellectual Capital Management from the University of Gothenburg.

His published and ongoing research can be categorized in two broad themes: 1. Knowledge creation and technology transfer and 2. Knowledge in Innovation and entrepreneurship systems. Both themes are very relevant for various stakeholders interested in regional growth.

Evangelos has been teaching extensively within different courses in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Finance, and Economics.

Current teaching:

Course (*course responsible)
1. IY1418 Autumn 2022 lp1 Fundamentals of Industrial Economics
2. IY1421 Autumn 2023 lp1 The Company in a Global Economy*
3. IY1436 Autumn 2023 lp2 Introduction to Macroeconomics for Engineers (Distance)
4. IY1442 Spring 2024 lp3 Product Management (Distance)
5. IY1443 Spring 2023 lp4 Strategy and Business Models in Technology-Intensive Firms*
6. IY2594 Spring 2023 lp34 Master’s Thesis MBA (Distance)
7. IY2608/IY2620 Autumn 2023 lp2 Applied Competition and Market Analysis
8. IY2615 Autumn 2023 lp2 Statistics and Econometrics
9. IY2627 Spring 2023 lp34 Master’s Thesis in Industrial Economics and Management*
10. IY2628 Spring 2023 lp34 Strategy and Business Development


Projects & Publications