Felix Jedrzejewski

Felix Jedrzejewski

Doctoral student


Department of Software Engineering, Room J2341

+46 (0) 455-385527


CV Press photo


Hej alla! My name is Felix Jedrzejewski, and I have the great honor of conducting my Ph.D. studies at BTH’s DIPT faculty. Before coming to Karlskrona, I finished my master’s in Information Systems at the Technical University Munich in Germany, where I was also born and raised. However, my parents are initially from Poland. Until now, the center of my entire life was Munich, except for my exchange semester in Baltimore, USA, at the Information Security Institute of Johns Hopkins University. During my studies, I worked at Siemens Corporate Technology in one of the IT Security research groups.

But now, I am looking forward to a new chapter. Therefore, I decided to move to Karlskrona, experience Swedish academics and culture, and learn the language. Mainly, I will focus on contributing to the intersection of AI, IT Security, and Software Engineering with my exceptional colleagues from DIPT, enabled by the fantastic environment BTH provides.