Ida Nilsson

Ida Nilsson


Department of Spatial Planning, Room C509

+46 (0) 455-385324


Since August 2018 Ida Nilsson is employed as a doctoral student at the Department of Spatial Planning. She has a masters degree in spatial planning and has, after graduating, worked as a planning architect in municipal organisations. After a few years in practice, Ida wanted to deepen her interest which had already been raised during her study period – the relationship between the urban and the rural. In her research, Ida is interested in rural areas from a planning perspective. She is particularly interested in creating an deeper understanding of how societal interests in, among other things, production and experience-based resources are actualized and influence municipal spatial planning in sparse rural areas with a history of weak population growth and place based resources.

Projects & Publications

Ongoing project
Avhandling: Järnmalm, ödehus och framtidstro. En studie om kommunal planering i norrländsk landsbygd. Fakultetsfinansierat doktorandprojekt.
Projekt finansierat av KSLA - Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien: Landsbygdens ödehus – en studie om husmatchningsprocessers betydelse för lokal utveckling