Javier Gonzalez Huerta

Javier Gonzalez Huerta

Biträdande professor/Viceprefekt


Department of Software Engineering, Room J2625

+46 (0) 455-385558



CV Press photo

About Me

I am an associate professor (Biträdande Professor)  in Software Engineering and Deputy Head of Department at the Department of Software Engineering at BTH. I am the program manager for the MSc in Engineering (5 years, 300ECTS integrated program) in Software Development.


I am also an associate member of the Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Technologies du Commerce Électronique (LATECE) in the Université du Quebec à Montréal (UQÀM).

I received my PhD in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) in 2014. In addition, I received my Master’s degree in “Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems” in 2011, my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2010 and my Engineering degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 1994, all from the UPV.

My current research focuses on Asset Management, Technical Debt, and Software Process Improvement, with emphasis on empirical research done in collaboration with several industrial partners (e.g., Spotify, Ericsson, FortNox, or Swedbank, among others). My current research aims to develop innovative solutions that help software development organizations monitor and improve the fitness of the assets used in the inception, development, delivery, or evolution of software-intensive systems and services and measure how well those assets support value creation. In the last years, I have also carried out research to develop innovative teaching and learning methods for improving the Software Engineering Education body of knowledge.

I have published and presented more than 45 research works related to the aforementioned topics in different venues. I have also co-authored four publications reporting pedagogical contributions to Software Engineering education, being one of the conference papers awarded with the best paper award. In addition, I have sought to serve the scientific community. I have been an active member of the Software Engineering Community, having served as a reviewer in several highly ranked journals such as Transactions on Software Engineering, Transactions in Service Computing, Software and Systems Modelling, or Requirements Engineering Journal, among others. I have participated in different program committees of international conferences, including the International Conference on Technical Debt Conference (Techdebt), the Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO), the International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD), Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), and Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIBSE), among others.

Quick facts

Publications per year


Total number of citations

Citations per year