Jimmie Andersén

Jimmie Andersén

Senior lecturer


Department of Spatial Planning, Room C425B

+46 (0) 455-385326

Senior lecturer in spatial planning at Blekinge Institute of Technology, PhD in spatial planning since 2020. Jimmie research in policy development in strategic planning as a consequence of political changes, specifically policy changes with respect to societal security and total defence. Methodologically, he has experience in document studies, analysis of planning- and strategy docuements and discourse analysis.

Projects & Publications

Ongoing project
Civil beredskap i fysisk planering – synergier och konflikter mellan olika planeringsnormer
Finished projects
Ett politiskt bygge - Översiktsplaneringens innehållsmässiga utveckling
LEX-projektet. Hållbara livsmiljöer för psykiskt funktionshindrade. Att integrera bostadsplanering och välfärdsservice genom nya kollaborativa praktiker