Martin Svensson

Martin Svensson


Department of Industrial Economics, Room J2412

+46 (0) 455-385354

Research Areas: Behavioral Economics, Entrepreneurship,and Organization Studies

Martin Svensson is an associate professor in industrial economy and management. He has a bachelor degree in Psychology (cognitive), a licentiate degree in Electronic Information Systems and a PhD in industrial economics and management. At the core, his research is driven by interest in how technology and digitization influence, and is influenced by, decision making, entrepreneurship and organizing. Such an interest have generated studies ranging; the (un)biased nature of entrepreneurial decision-making, the assembly of innovative teams, organization and functionality of emergency services as well as crisis management within multinational companies.

Previously he work in the KKS funded (2013-2018) project regarding Model Driven Development and Decision Support as well as in a project on how law enforcement agencies adopt and make use of a digitized decision support system to manage entrepreneurial behavior of burglars. Currently, he studies decisionmaking processes in train delays in project called ANAKIN . The project is financed by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). In 2024,  a new project is starting regarding local entrepreneurship and crime. The project is funded by the  Kamprad foundation (Pontus Braunerhjelm, PI).

Follow the link to see a public lecture on Thaler’s impact on behavioral economics (in Swedish):

Or listen to a pod on entrepreneurship:

Entreprenörskap som extraknäck • Forskning om förnyelse (


Current and previous teaching:

IY2587/IY2601 Research methods

IY2592/IY2602 Principals of Leadership and Management

IY2578 Master Thesis Work

IY1423 IT and Organization

IY1430 ICT and High-tech Start-ups

IY2628 Strategy and Business Development

IY1428 /IY1440Leadership and organization in knowledge intensive work

TE2501 Examensarbete för civilingenjörer

Projects & Publications

Ongoing project
An offer you cannot refuse: Lokalt entreprenörskap och kriminalitet. En studie av effekterna av ordningsstörningar och kriminalitet på entreprenörskap och näringslivsdynamik i södra Sverige. The project is funded by the Kamprad Foundation.
Selected publications
Börstler, J., bin Ali, N., Svensson, M., & Petersen, K. (2023). Investigating acceptance behavior in software engineering—theoretical perspectives. Journal of Systems and Software, 198, 111592.
Netz, J., Svensson, M., & Brundin, E. (2020). Business disruptions and affective reactions: A strategy-as-practice perspective on fast strategic decision making. Long range planning, 53(5), 101910.
Svensson, G. A. M. & Pesämaa, O. (2018). Getting helped? How does a caller’s anger, fear and sadness affect operators’ decisions in emergency calls? International Review of Social Psychology. In Press.
Boldt, M., Borg, A., Svensson, M. & Hildeby, J. (2018). Predicting burglars' risk exposure and level of pre-crime preparation using crime scene data. Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, to appear in volume 22, issue 1, ISI impact factor: 0.631.
Svensson, M. & Hällgren, M. (2017). Sensemaking in sensory deprived settings: The role of non-verbal auditory cues for emergency assessment. European Management Journal. In Press.
Pesämaa, O. & Svensson, M. (2018). In Charlie Karlsson, Andreas P. Cornett and Tina Wallin, Does Culture Matter? The Role of Board Efficacy, Growth and Competitiveness in Western and Asian Corporate Governance. Edward Elgar.
Svensson, G. A. M. (2015). When being wrong might be right: on overconfidence as an evolutionary mechanism of nascent entrepreneurs. In Charlie Karlsson, Urban Gråsjö and Sofia Wixe, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy: Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization (pp 237-258), Edward Elgar.