Mats Viberg

Mats Viberg


Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Room J3540

+46 (0) 455-385575




Mats Viberg is since September 1, 2024 a Professor of Signal Processing at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and at Chalmers University of Technology. From September 1, 2018 until August 31, 2024, he served as Vice-Chancellor of BTH. Before that, he was employed at Chalmers since 1993 as a Professor of Signal Processing. His research area is Statistical Signal Processing, especially multi-sensor data. Viberg is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA).


Professor Mats Viberg received a MSc degree in Applied Mathematics (1985) and a PhD degree in Automatic Control from Linköping University, Sweden in 1989. He has held academic positions at Linköping University and visiting positions at Stanford University, Brigham Young University and Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. During 1993-2018, Dr. Viberg held a position as Professor of Signal Processing at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, where he has also served as Chair of the Department of Signals and Systems 1999-2004, First Vice-President 2011-2017 and Chair of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering 2017-2018. Since September 2018, he serves as Vice-Chancellor of Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) in Karlskrona, Sweden.

Dr. Viberg’s research interests are in Statistical Signal Processing and its various applications, including Antenna Array Signal Processing, System Identification, Wireless Communications, Radar Systems and Automotive Signal Processing. Dr. Viberg has served in various capacities in the IEEE Signal Processing Society, including Chair of the Technical Committees on Signal Processing Theory and Methods, Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing as well as member at large of the Board of Governors. He has also served in various capacities at the Swedish Research Council (VR).

Dr. Viberg has received two Paper Awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the Excellent Research Award from the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the EURASIP European Group Technical Achievement Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) and the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg (KVVS). He has published over 220 journal and conference papers, together cited 13.000 times (source: Google Scholar, Feb. 2020) and graduated 26 PhD students.

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