Nasir Mehmood Minhas

Nasir Mehmood Minhas

A Brief CV

Dr. Nasir Mehmood Minhashas completed his Ph.D. in Software Engineering at SERL Sweden, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden in 2022. He received his Master of Science in Computer Science from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan 2006. Dr. Minhas has been working on Regression Testing for Embedded Systems in close collaboration with industry. He has worked with on two projects namely EASE and ELLIIT, and has published 40 research papers in reputed journals and conferences. Dr. Minhas has supervised 33 master theses in Software Engineering.
Before joining BTH, Dr. Minhas worked as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UIIT Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan for over ten years. He also served Allama Iqbal Open University (ASC), Pakistan, for over 7 years. His teaching career spans over 23 years.

Over 23 years, Dr. Minhas has taught more than 12 courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. He has taught courses in the core computing, database, and software engineering domains. At BTH, he is involved in the teaching of Research Methodology in Software Engineering and Computer Science, Seminars in Software Engineering, Software Architecture, and Master Theses in Software Engineering. Mr. Minhas has been the main supervisor of 28 Master Theses in Software Engineering. Mr. Minhas is the author of 23 research papers, he has published mainly in the areas of Global Software Development, Requirement Engineering, Software Process, and Software Testing.

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