Tobias Larsson

Tobias Larsson


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Room J3418

+46 (0) 455-385525

Product Development Research Lab


Professor (Chair in Mechanical Engineering) with extensive experience from applied research and projects in the intersection between academia and industry. Primarily researching digitalized product development, and innovation engineering, within the aerospace, automotive and industrial sector, both civil and defence. Healthcare sector applications is on the rise.

With a high focus on the digitalisation and constant transformation going on in industry with start in computer aided engineering processes (1996-) and recently on a model based digitalisation work where digital twin and IoT comes together for delivering customer value through product-service systems in a circular economy I’m happy to support any organisation with a desire for a future sustainable industry and society.

I’ll contribute with simulation driven decision support in the development of innovative product-service systems for tomorrow’s sustainable society.

Director of Product Development Research Lab:

Has been supervisor to several PhD (31) and Lic degrees (33) and currently supervisor for 11 PhD candidates. Contributed to 150+ publications within the research area.

Has initiated and finalised several research projects, like the BTH KKS research profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support“. Main person behind the creation of the Faste Laboratory, a VINN Excellence Centre within product-service systems, and is co-founder of the Design for Wellbeing framework, a joint research project together with Stanford University, USA, and Hosei University, Japan, with focus on welfare/wellbeing technology. Have taken part in several European Union projects within aerospace sector (VIVACE 2004-2007, CRESCENDO 2009-2012), and healthcare sector (PrimCareIT 2012-2104). Professor at age of 34, previously held professors chair at Luleå University of Technology (2007-2011), and guest professor at Lund University (2011) before joining BTH in 2011.


The research is clustered within the Product Development Research Lab and covers on the following aspects of product development efforts:

  • Product-Service Systems
  • Design Automation
  • Innovation Engineering
  • Model Based Development
  • Value Driven Design

Strategic Responsibilities

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