Valeria Garro
Senior lecturer
Department of Computer Science, Room J3219
I am a senior lecturer [assistant professor (US)] at the Department of Computer Science at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). My current research interests are focused on visual and interactive computing in eXtended realities (e.g. virtual or augmented reality), visualization, visual perception. My research background is in computer vision (3D reconstruction, pose estimation), and 3D shape analysis.
I am involved in different courses as teacher, e.g. visualization (DV1659-DV1474), 3D-programming (DV1542), digital ethics (DV2583), and as supervision, reviewer, and/or examiner in thesis courses at bachelor or master level (e.g. UD1449,DV2572,TE2502).
I am currently involved in the KKS Synergy research project SPIRIT (Sustainable Product Innovation for Rewarding Transformation) in which I focus on the development of new user-centered solutions in the area of data visualization for the digitalization of Sustainable Product Development (SPD) tools. I am also involved in the KKS research profile HINTS, Human-Centered Intelligent Realities and I worked also in the research project ViaTecH Synergy, human-centered computing for novel visual and interactive applications. Previously, I worked as research fellow at the Visual Computing Lab at ISTI-CNR (Italian National Research Council) located in Pisa, Italy. I have also been a research fellow at the VIPS (Vision Image Processing and Sound) Lab at University of Verona, Italy. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2013 at the University of Verona and my Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering in 2008 at the University of Padova, Italy.
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