Wlodek Kulesza

Wlodek Kulesza

Senior Professor


Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Room J3626

+46 (0) 455-385898

Wlodek's biography

In 2001 I received an offer of Professorship in Measurement and Instrumentation from University of Kalmar. Since 2017 I have been Professor in Multi-sensor System at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona. My three-year industrial postdoc at a German company benefits in my Engineering Research field of Multisensory System for Health and Security Applications. In 2009, I was honoured with the Andy Chi Best Paper Award by IEEE Transaction in Measurement and Instrumentation. Since 2016, I have been a co-authors of eight articles published at ISI journals.

I took part in teaching Sensors Signals and Systems at different levels. Nowadays, the course of Research Methodology including Philosophy of Science for Master and PhD students of Informatics, as well as Electrical and Mechanical Engineering is my primary educational responsibility. I have been also involved in Workshops of Scientific Writing at several Chinese and Polish Universities, at which I am Visiting Professor. I am an author of several textbooks among others two editions of “Scientific Metrology” and “Measurement Data Handling” vol. 1- Theoretical Technique, vol. 2 – Hardware Technique.

Main activities 2016-2017

Education: Courses and International Project:

  • Research Methodology;
  • Technical communication for engineers;
  • Sensors and actuators;
  • Supervision of dozen of students working on their final thesis;
  • Each year one Master Thesis supervised by WJK is granted by Stipendium av Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan;
  • EU, Erasmus+, KA2; PILAR: Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of visiR, Cooperation of scientific and education research institutes and industries from Spain, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Argentina and Brazil.
  • EU, Erasmus+, KA2, VISIR+; Cooperation of scientific and education research institutes from Spain, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Argentina and Brazil.


Actual  PhD candidates:

  • Supervisor and Examiner of an Industrial PhD student in Applied Signal Processing.
  • Supervisor and Examiner of an Industrial PhD student in System Engineering.
  • Supervisor and Examiner of an Industrial PhD student in Applied Health Technology.
  • Co-Supervisor of a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Senior adviser of seven PhD students at BTH.

Publication in ISI journals since 2016:

[1] Hongye Qi, Xiaoxing Yin, Hongxin Zhao, and Wlodek J. Kulesza: “Mutual coupling suppression between two closely spaced microstrip antennas with an asymmetrical coplanar strip wall” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 15, February 2016, Pages 191 – 194.

[2] M. Turzynski, W.J. Kulesza: “A simplified behavioral MOSFET model based on parameters extraction for circuit simulations” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 31, Issue 4, April 2016, Pages 3096 – 3105.

[3] B. Jachimczyk, D. Dziak, W. J. Kulesza, “Using the Fingerprinting Method to Customize RTLS Based on the AoA Ranging Technique” Sensors, Vol. 16, Issue 6, p. 876, June 2016.

[4] D. Dziak, B. Jachimczyk, W.J. Kulesza, „Wirelessly Interfacing Objects and Subjects of Healthcare System – IoT Approach,” in Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 22, Issue 3, June 2016.

[5] L. Jarzebowicz, K. Karwowski, W.J. Kulesza: “Sensorless algorithm for sustaining controllability of IPMSM drive in electric vehicle after resolver fault” Elsevier Control Engineering Practice, Volume 58, January 2017, Pages 117–126

[6] B. Jachimczyk, D. Dziak, and W. J. Kulesza, “Customization of UWB 3D-RTLS Based on the New Uncertainty Model of the AoA Ranging Technique” Sensors 2017, 17(2), 227.

[7] B. Jachimczyk, A. Lubowicki, R. Ogielski, M. Bonecki, W.J. Kulesza, „The Agile-Based Monitoring and Management System for Dairy Supply Chain – User Driven Design Approach” in Entrepreneurship and Management, vol. 18, no. 4, part 2, p.395-412, Dec. 2017.

[8]  D. Dziak, B. Jachimczyk, K. Bork-Ceszlak, T. Zydanowicz, W.J. Kulesza, “Wireless Monitoring System for Fireman’s Competence Objective Assessment. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 2017, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 56–62.

[9] B. Jachimczyk, D. Dziak, Jacek Czapla, Pawel Damps, W.J. Kulesza, “IoT On-board System for Driving Style Assessment”, Sensors, 2018, 18, 1233.

Projects & Publications

Ongoing project
Finished projects